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De: "BASTIDE Jean - CRNA-SE/E" <>
Título: Tr : WHAT IS IT?
Fecha: Sat, 19 Feb 2011 22:44:26 +0100
Para: "Ignacio Darnaude" <>, Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos <>
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----- Réacheminé par Jean BASTIDE/E/CRNA-SE/DGAC le 19/02/2011 22:43 -----

19/02/2011 22:11

Nick Pope <>, "" <>, tintin milou <>,

Therefore, Chris, beware of your hat... for  the new moon on March 4, specially when I see it is a  very strange and doubtful "Saint Casimir" !  
Now, seriously, see Valencia  on a full moon ( see below).

More than 40 years ago, I wrote an article to show the link between earthquakes, tornadoes and syzygies, published in "ASTROMETEO"  bulletin of French ARFA in Pessac by Mr Jacques Duchâtel, now aged 85 years.
Recently confirmed by the work on:   See also concerning ARFA and Jacques Duchâtel:

Copy of a message sent on July 2 , 2010 to "Mercedes Casas" <>:

Sera causado por la luna llena del jueves 27 de mayo de 2010 (ocurrido el sababo 29  de mayo)
(maximum de lluvia en luna llena). Que lo parece?
Some atmospheric-moon linked phenomenon,you can be sure. Such as these two linked and failed tornadoes:
 some tornado/waterspout events:
(2 w ,one after another)
(2 w. at the same time)

And now:
Um...incidentally, concerning the manna shower / sugar candy below, thanks to Ole Jonny Brænne, may I add THE NEW MOON WAS ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1857.
Manna ( ???? ? ) actually means "what is it?" in Hebrew, so it seems the phenomenon itself is fair enough to ask us the good question, supposing that we are clever enough to answer.

The Living Age
1857 November 21, vol 55 issue 704, page 491
A Shower Of Manna.
Do not be incredulous reader, when we inform you that on Monday last, at the foot of Clear Lake, in this county, a shower of sugar candy fell, covering a large tract of country. It covered every thing - leaves of trees, rocks, and the earth's surface alike. When discovered by the inhabitants the next morning, a part of it was of the consistency of syrup, and the rest as perfectly crystallized as the candy of the shops. Its taste is precisely similar to that of unflavored candy. Mr. J. Hale, the Clear Lake express-man, saw it while on the ground, and collected a box as samples which he brought to us. There is no mistake about the matter, as the public may learn for themselves by calling at our office. The specimens before us are generally irregularly crustallized, rounded at one end and irregular in form at the other, as if broken off from some surface to which they adhered. They are from one-fourth to five-eights of an inch in length, some pure white and others of a delicate pink hue. Their general appearance is that of very small stalagmites, such as we have often seen in caves. A similar shower occurred at Salt Lake some years since. Naturalists pretend to explain such phenomena by saying that such saccharine showers are of insect origin; but their explanations seem even more improbable than the fact itself - the latter being well attested, and the former a mere theory to excuse ignorance of Nature's wondrous workings.
Napa Republican.

Chris Aubeck <>
Envoyé par :

19/02/2011 18:21
Veuillez répondre à

"" <>
"" <>, Nick Pope <>, "" <>, tintin milou <>
Re: RE [magonia_exchange] Strange atmospheric event Bardwell Ky June 24,1887


Um...I'm always happy to identify natural phenomena as the cause for strange sights, but how does the moon explain the observation of rising and falling bundles of wheat?

There's a new moon on March 4th, which happens to mark my 20th anniversary of living in Spain. It would be awesome to go out and watch this with some friends to celebrate.



Sent from my iPhone

On 19/02/2011, at 18:03, "BASTIDE Jean - CRNA-SE/E" <> wrote:


The exact date is
June 22, 1887 ( the article being written on June 23, and published on June 24 ), then it is exactly the new moon (on June 21, 1887).<mime-attachment.gif>
No doubt another strange atmospheric lunar effect ,
nothing to do with UFOs. Thanks a lot for this very interesting event , congratulations to eagle-eyed Kay.

"kay massingill" <>
Envoyé par :

19/02/2011 09:44

[magonia_exchange] Strange atmospheric event Bardwell Ky June 24,1887

<tree fall.jpg>

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File: Comparación de huecos en Guatemala.pdf

File: Marseilles, September18,2009-New moon September18.bmp

File: Valencia, July 8, 2009- Full moon July 7,2009.bmp

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